About Yahweh Ministries Intl.®
Our Purpose, Mission, Vision & Assignment
Y.M.I. is an organization that not only teach and preach the living word of God,
we empower, build & rebuild people
(men, women & children) into living epistles so they too can live out their God ordained purpose an become sound husbands & wives, church/community leaders, marketplace professionals and entrepreneurs, whom at the appointed time are deployed
into the world to bring about economic stabilization for the Kingdom of God on earth.
Wisdom, Knowledge & Understanding that give's rise to purpose, so everyone can experience life advancement.
Paving pathway's to help aid the broken in becoming a more consistent doer of God's Word!
An Ingredient of Unity for Aspiring Communities
Our mission from God is to shepherd people (unsaved & saved) back into the stature of a right & steadfast spirit unto Him, for the restoring of God's Sabbath, in order to enter into a realm of rest, for the acquisition of an intangible/tangible promised land.
We want everyone who worships with us to experience the benefits of God's power & provision. We believe that change happens when you put an expectation on your faith. The global Body of Christ is in a time of transition that includes moving from
seeing worship primarily as that which personally refreshes us (which it does), to experiencing worship as the
primary activity that the Lord uses to destroy the works of Satan on earth.
Up-in-coming weekly teachings which are facilitated to provide transparent insight and foresight unto many on the wisdom, knowledge & understanding of God's word, in addition to economic development IP (intellectual property) for the peeling back
of onion layer like principles to regulate its prosperous flow. Proverbs 18:16 (ERV) "Gifts can open many doors and help you
meet important people". What you were designed to be known for is your gift (work, skill or trade). God has put a
gift/talent in every person that will enable them to fulfill His plan for their life.